Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Expenses Uk Vs M'sia

Count in Monthly

Accomodation: 350 pounds
Foods at home: 40 pounds / month
Internet: 5 pounds
Mobile Bill: 23 pounds
Transport fees: 30 pounds/ month
Eating Out: 30 pounds/ month
Shopping: 10/ month

TOTAL : 483 pounds

Convert into Ringgit : RM 2704

Accomodation: Free
Foods at home: Free
Internet: Free
Mobile Bill: RM 30/ month
Transport Fees: 70 for Petrol, 30 for Tolls
Eating Out: RM 300 - 400
Shopping: RM 400 - 600
Installment: RM 800

TOTAL: RM 1930

With All free expenses of accommodation, Foods and etc,
I still have to paid RM 1930 in a month.
Imagine if am staying outside, with the cost of renting a room or a place
+ eating out will probably be RM 300 - RM 500.
The most THRIFTY way for foods probably fall on economic rice of RM 10 per day for lunch and dinner.

inflation in M'sia, Living standard around M'sia are totally horrifying.
I believed lots of ppls cant breath because of this.
I can't imagine those whom only earn RM 1000++
How are them surviving in this society?
What kind of living they are surrounding with ?

I really hope,
someday our government would do something for the wealth of nations.
Vanish persecuted of society,
Provide better living of getting smooth and steady.

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